Why Image Bearers?

Tselem is the Hebrew word for image and we see the term Tselem in Genesis 1:26-28: 

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image (bᵊṣalmēnû), in our likeness, so that they may ruleover the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image (bᵊṣalmô), in the image (bᵊṣelem) of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” 

From Genesis, we see the Lord instruct mankind to be fruitful, multiply and move in dominion and authority over the earth. He desires us to not only be fruitful and multiply humans from a physical perspective, but wants us to allow His light to shine through us so that others will taste and see God is good. It was only when Adam and Eve fell in the garden as they heeded to the serpents voice that instead of bearing the image of God, they began to bear the tainted image of sin and the fall. 

Testimony Time

You may be asking yourself, what does this name change have to do with Rachael?

Well this is where the testimony behind this transition!

In times past, the Lord has called me to do things simply because He said to, whereas this time, the Lord truly brought me through a season of wilderness, pruning and chastisement to reveal some things that He has been trying to get me to shake free from. 

This past year, along with the beginning months of 2025, the Lord revealed to me that the ministry at times had gone down a path of trying to do things in my own strength whether it be posting videos, or going live, and even ministering at events in hopes that it would be pleasing unto Him. He revealed to me that in some situations, it was not Him gracing me, but simply works of the flesh. I wasn’t growing.. I was stagnant. 

While I was frustrated, I realized that the reason behind my frustration was because I was idolizing the call of ministry over the call of being His. I was more intrigued with keeping up with everyone else, that I didn’t realize that the Lord was not in the midst. I was letting fear of man rule me more than the fear of the Lord. I had not yet died to the call of ministry. 

As He brought me through many trials, betrayals, tribulations and lessons, I began to fall more in love with the Lord. I began to truly recognize Him as the God who sees me, who knows me, and who is always with me. I began to fall in love with how intimate we had become off of social media. My heart began to burn for Him like never before. He challenged me, teaching me how to discern on what He desires for me to share and what to keep as our little secret. He began to interrupt the mundane of my life, and I began to recognize the highest call… the original call. And that my friends, is to become like Jesus and be His IMAGE BEARER. 

Tselem Elohim… to be made in God’s image, being Kingdom ambassadors, carrying his glory everywhere He sends us, is not a small task at all. But somehow, in the business of life whether it be work, ministry, school, relationships.. it seems as though it can take the back seat. We lose sight of the author and finisher of our faith, and the storms seem to get louder, more fierce. We forget the whole reason we started walking with the Lord in the first place. It is by His lovingkindness that He draws us to the wilderness to reveal certain things that have been dormant in our relationship with Him. Things that He desires to rid us of so that we may shine His light brighter. 

It was in His glory He allowed me to see Him for who He is. The high and lifted up Lord of Hosts who yet embodies more humility than we ever could. The more I beheld Him, the closer I wanted to be to Him…The more I wanted to look like Him. After months off of social media, and wrestling with Him to allow me to stay off forever – He taught me the importance of stewardship. He taught me the importance of dying to the call. Where I long to be with the Lord in the Secret Place rather than on a platform, and what He has called me to steward has become more of a burden than a desire. My worth, my life, my desire is no longer found within ministry, but my desire is to be one with Him as He carries out His will on earth through His image bearers. That being said, welcome to Image Bearers.