Dig Up The Wells in The Valley!

Many of us find ourselves in a season of transition. The Lord has been calling His people to come up higher. There has been much purging and pruning. In His lovingkindness, the Lord has been revealing certain things that He desires to purify and change within His beloved bride. 


  1. Do Not Repeat The Same Mistakes. 

There are many people in the body of Christ in which the enemy has been hitting with double-mindedness and overthinking, but I say unto you… Do not make the same mistakes! Do not repeat what you have done in past seasons. Though the season or situation may look similar to times past, do not lean on your own understanding. Listen to the Lord and trust in His ways!

In Genesis 20, Abraham journeyed in which He found himself at Gerar where he encountered Abimelech and out of fear he claimed that Sarah was his sister and not his wife (Genesis 20:1-2). In Genesis 26 we see Abraham’s promised son, Isaac make the same mistake. The Lord calls him to dwell for a time in Gerar and encounters a different Abimelech. Isaac found himself in a similar situation as his father and unfortunately followed in Abraham’s footsteps..

‘’And the men of the place asked about his wife. And he said, ‘She is my sister’; for he was afraid to say, ‘She is my wife’, because he thought, ‘lest the men of the place kill me for Rebekah, because she is beautiful to behold.’’’ (Genesis 26:7). 

The enemy will tempt you to deal with situations as you have in times past. Fear has been trying its hardest to creep in, but we have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind! Listen to the Lord’s instructions and continue to carry his character even in the midst of the most difficult situations!

  1. Opposition Will Come

We then see the  Lord taking Isaac out of that situation which allowed him to sow in the land and reap a hundredfold in that same year (Genesis 26:12). As the Lord continued to bless him, envy began to rise up in the Philistines. They were the same ones to send opposition towards Abraham. In Genesis 21, the Philistines made it their goal to block each well that Abraham had dug up. 

‘’Now the Philistines had stopped up all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, and they had filled them with earth.’ (Genesis 26:15).

One could say that the water from the well is representative of the living water in which the Lord Jesus Christ promises. Precious Holy Spirit. The enemy is always going to try and stop the flow of Holy Spirit in our lives. We see here that the Philistines blocked up the wells that Abraham had dug up with dirt to stop the flow.

When you are carrying out what the Lord calls you to do, envy will arise. Even when we look at the life of Jesus… as He fulfilled the will of the Father, the Pharisees were filled with such rage and jealousy that He was receiving much attention. 

  1. Dig Up The Well In The Valley! 

Abimelech then asks Isaac to go away. Isaac finds himself in the valley of Gerar, but rather than running away he pitches his tent determined to stay and see what the Lord has for him there.

Every time it seemed as though Isaac was close to breakthrough, there was great quarrel amongst him and the people of the land. Every time he found a well and dug it up, opposition arose. 

This is where the enemy will try and send doubt and cause you to overthink. He will try and make you question why you are going through much quarrel. He will make you feel as though you are out of alignment because others will not agree with you. But where the Lord is, there will always be opposition. The enemy desires that we would reach this point and give up. If he cannot stop destiny he will try his best to cause doubt and delay. 

I say unto you: Listen to the Lord’s voice! Quiet the outward noise, and listen for His small-still voice. Remember who it is that you serve. Remember all the alters and history that you have with Him. He is not a man that should lie! There is no L’s in the kingdom, only lessons! He is always trying to teach you something and reveal different facets of his character. 

‘And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth, because he said, “For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.”’ (Genesis 26:22)

 It took a total of 3 times until Isaac and his servants came upon a well of water that the Lord had blessed them with. Notice how Isaac didn’t mope around about the other situations, He simply moved, and continued to dig another well. 

Sometimes, the Lord will allow the quarrels to arise to reveal unto us our level of faith. He is trying to reveal how at times we can allow our feelings to consume us which can lead to us being out of alignment with Him. Sometimes the quarrels also reveal places you must be removed from. It can simply be the Lord making room in order for you to be fruitful in what He has called you to. If you are emotionally, physically or spiritually connected to places or people that the Lord is calling you away from whether it be for a season or permanently, it can distract you from what the Lord is calling you to do! 

Do Not Be Discouraged In The Valley! 

Satan will send doubt, fear, and anxiety to keep you stagnant and get you out of alignment with the Lord.. but I say unto you: You shall birth out what the Lord is calling you to bring forth. You shall not be stagnant. You shall follow the Lord’s instruction and carry out FULL OBEDIENCE. You shall flow with Holy Spirit! 

Do not be discouraged. Continue to seek the Lord. Continue to praise Him in advance. Trust and believe that when you ask the Lord for instruction and direction, He is faithful to answer. He may not answer in the way you want, but surely He will show up in the way that you NEED! 

I greatly encourage you to dig up wells and not be discouraged in the valley. When you dig up wells, not only do you begin to know the Lord in a greater capacity, but you can then share the water with others around you who may find themselves to be dry. The Lord entrusted YOU to go through the Valley to seek Him!