Something the Lord has really been ministering in this season is that we are in control of how much of the Lord that we get. This past weekend I caught a glimpse of how the Acts 2 church operated. How there was constant fellowship and oneness which resulted in the Lord’s Spirit falling upon them. 

 ‘When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.’ Acts 2:1-2 NKJV

Notice how it says they were all on one accord, and then SUDDENLY, the wind from heaven blew. This is what the Lord is desiring from His bride. That we all get on one accord. Sometimes we make it more difficult then it needs to be. We think that we need to strive and do all of these things, when in reality, the Lord just desires to woo us to Himself (Jeremiah 31:3) 

 When we are hungry for Him, the Lord feeds that hunger. When we are thirsty for Him the Lord gives us living water to drink (Isaiah 55:1-2). If we would focus individually on loving Jesus, reverencing Him, and obeying Him we would all be on the same page. 

 After this weekend the Lord has not stopped pouring, and I have been crying out to Him begging Him to let His glory rest. I am continually asking the Lord to never stop the pour and He has revealed that He always desires to have us overflowing. It is from the place of overflow that everything is easy. Whether it be ministry, life, school, work, whatever it is and wherever we are.. if we are abiding, everything is so easy because He is the one doing it all (Matthew 11:28, John 15). All we need to do is let Jesus be Jesus inside of us. 

Don’t Move Your Cup!

As I continued to ask the Lord to never stop the pour, He spoke to me so tenderly and said ‘Daughter, I never desire to stop pouring. The only way I stop is if you move your cup.’ I then asked the Lord, what does moving my cup look like? And He began to download that we move our cup every time we ignore the voice of the Lord. When we don’t move in full obedience, or with a quickness when He tells us to do something, we are essentially putting ourselves in a position where we are unable to receive the outpouring. 

His presence is where His word is… this is why obedience is so important. If we refuse to listen and take heed to the voice of the Lord we will not see His glory.

 Let me give you an example, moving your cup can look like the Lord telling you to wake up at 6am and you say.. ‘no I am going to wake up at 7:00am instead’. Or maybe you decide you will wake up an hour earlier at 5am.. That is not taking heed to his instructions! Anytime we try to do more or less than He has asked us, we are in partial obedience which is still disobedience. The more we ignore the little things that the Lord is calling us to do, the easier it is to say no to the big assignments. 

Another example of moving your cup would be like: the Lord telling you to go to the grocery store. Instead of going, you say, ‘That doesn’t make any sense, I just got groceries yesterday, I am not going to go’. The whole time, the Lord was telling you to go there, because there was someone in desperate need of an encounter with Him, and He wanted to use you as a witness of His glory! So now.. because you refused, He will raise up another.. one who trusts the Lord and is carrying out His instructions with reverent fear unto Him. 

 The Lord is always desiring to commune and be one with us. He cannot get enough of us and we should be the same way with Him. Jesus died on the cross so that we could enter into the holies of holies at any given moment. We no longer need a blood sacrifice from an animal, we no longer have to partake in any kind of ritual and usher His presence in.. we can come in through faith of what He has done on the cross (Hebrews 10). 

Most of the time… actually all of the time, we are the ones who quench Holy Spirit. We are the ones that get in the way of what the Lord is desiring to do. The Lord has been calling many people in the body of Christ to come up higher, but we have been allowing the enemy to keep us in fear, overthinking and anxiety. But I declare that as you read His words, that will break off of you in Jesus name! 

The Lord is calling us to draw closer to Him and it is my prayer that we would all answer the call. 


Pray with me: 

Precious Lord, 

Give me the grace to allow you to flow in the way that you desire in me. I am nothing more than your vessel. Increase the fear of the Lord in my life so that I would be able to carry out your instructions to the fullest in Jesus name. I pray Lord that you would interrupt my mundane with bursts of your glory. Make me sensitive unto your presence. Don’t let me miss you. Thank you Lord that it is by your blood and body that I am able to ask this in confidence knowing that it has already been done in Jesus name. 


Continue Studying and Dive Deeper:  Acts 2, Hebrews 10, Jeremiah 31:3, Matthew 7:8, Acts 8:26-40


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